Subscription Types

Subscription Types

BART Subscriptions can be purchased by an Individual, Group, District, State or Agency level.


Individuals may purchase their own single license, and have access to all the BART modules and platforms. Individuals will be setup with the Broadcast Tags they are entitled to.

If one or more individuals within the same BGU (Brigade, Group, or Unit) have purchased Individual BART Licenses, they will have the ability to communicate via Broadcast Comments, Discussion Messages, and Attendance response.


Group Licenses are generally purchased when there are 10 or more Members and Appliances registered within the BART system. We offer a price discount for Group registration, as opposed to Individual Subscriptions.


When there are multiple Groups subscribed to BART, a District Subscription can make the management and Administration of Members and Groups more streamlined. District subscriptions can simplify annual payments, and provide higher-level situation awareness via Availability and Attendance data.

The District-level ‘Turnout Dashboard’ provides a simplified overview of all operations within the District, including all current incidents, the start time, and all attendance responses for each incident.

State/ Agency

We offer tailored functionality, integration, security, and support services for large-scale system adoption.

To discuss State or Agency adoption, please enquire here.

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