

Unit Administration

To add, edit or delete Job Options go to:

Settings > Unit Administration

You will find 7 tabs within the Unit Administration screen that provide you with a range of different options:

  1. Units
  2. Permissions
  3. Equipment
  4. Shifts
  5. Templates
  6. Job Types
  7. Lookups

Managing Permissions

Each member is delegated a permission level when they’re entered into the system. The permission level dictates what each member can and can’t view or edit.

Settings > Members

Each permission type can have custom access levels set:

Access Levels

Approve Shift Request

  • True
  • False


  • Edit all Crews
  • Edit my Crew
  • No Access

Crew Shift

  • True
  • False


  • Edit All
  • View All
  • View Own


  • All
  • Crew & Operators
  • Crew
  • All Crew Leaders & Operators
  • Crew Leaders
  • No Access


  • True
  • False


  • View
  • No Access

Request Shift Change

  • True
  • False


  • Access
  • No Access


  • Edit All
  • View All
  • View Own


  • Access
  • No Access


  • All Users
  • Crew Users
  • No Access

Permission Templates

There are 5 default permission templates that you can use when creating a new member permission type:

1. Admin

Permission to All

2. Limited Admin

Ability to specify admin modules – Eg. User admin/ reporting only, no system settings

3. Operations Manager

Read/ Write All

4. Member

Read All, No Write

5. Supervisor

Read All, Write Own Crew Planner Only

Managing Members

The ‘Manage Members’ screen allows you to add, delete and edit members within your crews.

To manage a specific crew, click on the ‘ALL CREWS’ drop down menu and select the crew you want to focus on.

Edit Existing Member

  1. You can edit the details of any existing member, by clicking on a row – it will highlight when you hover above it.
  2. A popup box will appear, showing all the current details of that member.
  3. Edit the information you need, and click the ‘save’ button when you’re done.

Delete Existing Member

  1. Choose the member you wish to delete – the entire row will highlight when you hover above it.
  2. Click on the red cross circle button at the end of the row
  3. You will be asked if you’re sure you want to go ahead with the delete – if you are, click the ‘DELETE’ button in the popup box

Create Crew Member

  1. To create a new member, click on the green ‘NEW +’ button
  2. A dialogue box will pop-up on your screen, where you will need to fill out the relevant information
  3. Once your information has been added, click the ‘CREATE’ button at the bottom of the pop-up box

Managing Crews

Create a New Crew

1. Click on the green ‘NEW +’ button on the top left-hand side of the screen

2. A popup will appear with options to add:

  • Name
  • Location
  • CallSign
  • Leader

3. Fill out the input fields and click ‘CREATE’

Delete Crews

Crews can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of the crew entry row.

Managing Units

Members > Administration

Select the ‘UNITS’ tab (this should be open by default)

Create a New Unit

1. Click on the green ‘NEW +’ button on the top left-hand side of the screen

2. A popup will appear with options to add:

  • Name
  • Organisation ID
  • (Time) Zone

3. Fill out the input fields and click ‘CREATE’

Delete Units

Units can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of the unit entry row.

Edit Time Zones

The time zone set for each unit can be altered at any time:

1. Click inside the ‘Time Zone’ table cell

2. A drop-down will appear with various time zones from which to choose.

3. After you’ve chosen your new time zone, click on the blue ‘SAVE’ icon.

Managing Equipment

You can add, edit and delete equipment by clicking on the ‘Equipment’ tab on the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Edit Existing Equipment

The Name, Description and Code for each equipment item can be edited by:

  1. Clicking on the table cell of the item you wish to edit
  2. Clicking the blue save button

Add New Equipment

  1. Click on the green ‘NEW +’ button at the top left hand side of the screen
  2. A popup box will appear with various input options
  3. Fill out the name, description and code for your equipment item
  4. Click ‘CREATE’

Delete Equipment

Equipment items can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of the equipment entry row.

Managing Shifts

You can add, edit and delete shift types from the Shifts tab.

Add New Shift Type

To add a new shift type:

1. Click on the green ‘NEW +’ button at the top left-hand side of the screen

2. A popup will appear with various input fields

3. Fill out the details for your shift type

  • Name
  • Category
  • Colour (to set new colours, see ‘Adding a New Colour’)
  • Start Time
  • Has Allowance

4. Click ‘CREATE’

Edit Existing Shift Type

The Name, Category, Colour, Start Time and Allowance settings can be changed by:

1. Clicking on the table cell of the item you wish to edit

2. Clicking the blue save button

Delete Shift Type

Shift Types can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of the shift entry row.

Managing Templates

You can add, edit and delete Templates from the ‘Templates’ tab.

Add New Template

To add a new Template:

1. Click on the green ‘NEW +’ button at the top left-hand side of the screen

2. A popup will appear with various input fields

3. Fill out the Name and Order for your Template

4. Click ‘CREATE’

5. Your new template will then appear in the list.

Next you will need to add Shift Types into your template - to do this:

1. Click on the blue ‘+’ (plus) button next to your new template

2. Click on the smaller green ‘NEW’ button inside your template

3. Choose the Shift Type and Day

4. Click ‘CREATE’

5. Repeat steps 2 – 5 to add additional shifts into your template

Edit Existing Template

Existing templates can be modified by:

  1. Clicking on the blue ‘+’ (plus) button next to the template you wish to edit

You can modify the shift type of any day by:

  1. Clicking inside the table cell
  2. Choose your new shift type from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on the blue save button

Day entries can be deleted individually by:

  1. Choosing the row of the day you wish to delete
  2. Clicking on the red cross at the end of the row

New day entries can be added by:

  1. Clicking on the smaller green ‘NEW’ button inside your template
  2. Choose the Shift Type and Day
  3. Click ‘CREATE’

Delete Template

Entire templates can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of the template entry row.

Managing Job Types

You can add, edit and delete Job Types from the ‘Job Types’ tab.

Create New Job Type

1. Click on the green ‘NEW +’ button at the top left-hand side of the screen

2. A popup will appear with various input fields

3. Fill out the Name, Colour and Order for your Job Type

4. Click ‘CREATE’

Edit Existing Job Type

1. The Name, Colour and Order of your Job Types can be changed by:

2. Clicking on the table cell of the item you wish to edit

3. Clicking the blue save button

Delete Job Type

Job Types can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of the job entry row.

Managing Lookups

The Lookups tab allows you to administer a range of additional options, including:

  • Work Units
  • Objectives
  • Types
  • Colours
  • Sounds
  • Priorities

Select one of the options above via the dropdown menu in the top left-hand side of the screen.

Each dropdown option can have new items added, edited and deleted using the following method:

Add New Lookup Item

1. Click on the green ‘NEW +’ button at the top left-hand side of the screen

2. A popup will appear with various input fields

3. Fill out the Name and Value

4. Click ‘CREATE’

Edit Existing Lookup Item

1. Click on the table cell of the item you wish to edit

2. Click the blue save button

Delete Lookup Item

Lookup Items can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of the item entry row.

Manage your Profile

The ‘My Profile’ screen is where you can add or change all your personal details. To access this screen, go to:

Settings > My Profile

You will see on the top right-hand side of the screen there are 3 tabs to choose from:

Personal Info

Here you can change any of your personal information, including:

  • First and last names
  • User name
  • Mobile number
  • Email
  • Position

After you have updated your profile, click the ‘SAVE CHANGES’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Change Avatar

Here you can change your membership image. To upload a new avatar or change an existing one, click on the ‘Browse’ button and select your image. You will see a preview of your new avatar in the space provided.

Once you’re happy with your avatar, click the green ‘SUBMIT’ button.

Change Password

To change your password, you must first enter in your current password.

Next you will need to enter in your new password twice to confirm spelling, and click the green ‘CHANGE PASSWORD’ button.

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