Android Smart TV app

Android Smart TV app


The new BART Smart TV Dashboard has been specifically designed for any smart television or Chromecast-enabled screen.

Download the Group Dashboard Smart TV app for Android here

As you don’t generally have a keyboard and mouse connected to your telly, we’ve optimised the SmartTV Dashboard for operation with a basic remote control.

If not keen on using a smart television, no problem! We still support Raspberry Pi access so you can use the Dashboard the same way as you always have – this is just an extra option.

What if I don’t have a Smart TV?

If you have a non-smart TV that can’t download applications, you can still run your Group Dashboard TV app by purchasing a ‘Chrome Cast’ unit for around $60. This is the unit we recommend

All you’ll need is the Chrome Cast, any television or screen with an HDMI input, and an internet connection.

Setting up your Smart TV Dashboard

The BART Dashboard requires a dedicated Dashboard-type license. Although it’s possible to use a personal BART account, some features won’t function correctly.

  1. Create a Google account if you don’t already have one.

  2. Turn on your Google Smart TV or Chromecast and login to your Google account

  3. Scroll across the menu at the top of the screen and select ‘Apps’

  4. Next scroll down to search and type ‘BART Dashboard’ and install the app

  5. Finally start the BART Dashboard app and login to your BART Dashboard account

Configure your Android Smart TV Dashboard to Start-up Automatically

  1. Search & Install App Projectivy Launcher: Projectivy Launcher - Apps on Google Play

  2. Open App & Accept requested permissions

  3. Go To Settings > Projectivy Launcher Settings

  4. Power > Autostart on Boot > BART Dashboard

  5. Go Back out of Settings

  6. Go to System > Accessibility Service > Show Accessibility Settings > Yes > Projectivy Launcher > Enable

  7. Restart Device > BART Dashboard Should now Start-up automatically.

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