Account Profile

Account Profile


Please Note: The information below relates to the Members Web App


The 'My Profile' area in the Members Web App is a place where individuals can administer various details relating to their BART subscription. Everyone who has a valid BART membership is able to access this area, and add or change details that relates to their personal details.


  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Mobile Number

  • Email Address

  • Default ETA

  • Private Mobile (on/off)


This section allows you to upload an avatar image, which will display next to your name throughout the system.


Change your password - this is particularly useful when you know you're going to be using a different device soon, and are unsure of your current password.


The devices area allows you to see and control a number of 

Login List

This section shows you a list of all devices that have been logged into your BART account:

  • Type (Which module was logged into, ie. BART Team App, Dashboard)

  • App

  • Make (ie. iPhone 9)

  • Model (Apple, Android)

  • App Version (BART)

  • OS (operating system) Version

  • Discussions (true/false)

  • Created (First login)

  • Updated (Most recent login)

Alert Tones

Choose from 23 tones built into the BART system. You can select a specific tone for your standard messages, and select a different tone for your alert messages.

Test Message

You can use this facility to send out a test message to ensure that you're receiving notifications correctly. Choose whether you would like the test message to be an alert or not.

Edit your Details

1. Navigate to the 'My Profile' item within the main menu

2. By default, the general 'INFO' tab will be open

3. Modify your information in the available fields:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Username (not editable)

  • Mobile Number

  • Email Address

  • Private Mobile (on/off)

4. Once you have finished editing your details, click on the green 'Save Changes' button

Change your Avatar

1. Navigate to the 'My Profile' item within the main menu

2. By default, the general info tab will be open – press on the ‘Change Avatar’ tab

3. If you already have an existing avatar, it will be displayed on the page
4. Press on the ‘Browse’ button to open up a dialogue box

5. Navigate to where your image is saved and select it
6. Your image will automatically upload, and display as a preview

Change your Password

1. Navigate to the ‘My Profile’ item within the main menu

2. By default, the general info tab will be open – press on the ‘Change Password’ tab

3. Enter in your new password

4. Re-enter your new password

5. Press on the green ‘Change Password’ button

Change your Device Tone

1. Navigate to the ‘My Profile’ item within the main menu

2. By default, the general info tab will be open – press on the ‘Devices’ tab

3. You can change your:

  • Standard tone

  • Alert tone

4. Press on the green ‘Save Changes’ button

Test BART on your Device

1. Navigate to the ‘My Profile’ item within the main menu

2. By default, the general info tab will be open – press on the ‘Devices’ tab

3. You will find the testing area below where you set your BART tones

4. Use the text box provided to enter in a test message

5. Choose whether the test is to be an alert or not (on/ off toggle)

6. Press either the blue ‘Test Backup’ or ‘Test Primary’ buttons

7. At the bottom of the screen you can see a log of each test that has been completed