Generate a Quote or Invoice

Generate a Quote or Invoice

To create a Quote or Invoice, you can either go directly to the Members Admin Portal or via the BART Website.


Watch: Subscriptions and Accounts

BART Website

Navigate to the ‘Purchase BART’ page on the BART Website:


You’ll be directed to the BART Members Admin Portal, and prompted to log into your account.

Once logged in, you will be directed to the Subscriptions area where you can view your Individual, Group, or District subscriptions.

Click on the 3 dot ‘Options’ button, where you’ll see a dropdown menu.


To generate a quote, click the ‘Generate Quote’ option in the dropdown.

To generate an Invoice, click the ‘Generate Invoice’ option in the dropdown.


Both options will result in a popup dialogue box appearing, where you will see the system ‘Terms and Conditions’ document. You will need to tick the ‘I agree to the Terms and Conditions’ checkbox before proceeding.


Check the box and click ‘Next’.


You’ll see a summary of the Quote or Invoice, including the Individual, Group, or District’s name within the BART system. You’ll also see the number of Members within the subscription, the number that have current licenses, and the number of licenses required to cover all members, appliances, dashboards, and API’s.



Enter the number of BART licenses that you would like to include in your Quote or Invoice in the ‘Quantity’ field. The price of the renewal will be automatically generated and viewable at the bottom of the dialogue box.


When you click ‘Add’ you’ll see a summary, where you’ll need to enter in the ‘Receipt Details’ and ‘Billing Address’.



In the next step you’ll be required to select your preferred payment type, where you have the option of adding a Purchase Order number if required.


When you’re ready, click ‘Submit’.


Your Quote or Invoice will be automatically sent to the email address you entered in 'Receipt Details', in a PDF attachment.


Members Admin Portal - Direct

You can also go directly to the Members Admin Portal webapp to generate a Quote or Invoice for your subscription.

Select ‘Subscription’ from the main menu and follow the same steps listed above.

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