Manually Adding a Member into your Group

Manually Adding a Member into your Group

You have the option of importing members manually into the BART system. This option is particularly useful if your member hasn't registered with BART, and requires a new account to be setup for them. 

The following instructions will need to be completed via the BART Members Web App.


Watch: Add a New Member into BART


ADD an Existing BART Member

  1. Log into the BART Members Web App and select ‘Administration’ from the main menu

  2. Select ‘Members’ from the sub-menu provided



  1. Select the ‘ADD +’ button at the top of the screen

  2. A popup dialogue box will appear

  3. You will be required to enter in either the Email Address or Phone Number that they've registered within BART

  4. Click on the 'Invite Member' button at the bottom of the dialogue box 

Create a NEW BART Member

  1. Log into the BART Members Web App and select ‘Administration’ from the main menu

  2. Select ‘Members’ from the sub-menu provided

  3. Select the ‘NEW’ button at the top of the screen




  1. A popup dialogue box will appear

  2. Enter in the relevant member details in the text inputs provided:

    1. First name

    2. Surname

    3. User name

    4. Email

    5. Mobile

    6. Password*

    7. Type (ie. Person, appliance etc.)

    8. Level (ie. Regular member or additional Administrator)


* Hint: For security purposes, we have a number of minimum requirements for new passwords:

  • It must contain at least 8 characters

  • It must contain at least 1 capital letter

  • It must contain at least 1 lowercase letter

  • It must contain at least 1 numeral

  • It must contain at least 1 special character

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