Member Diagnostics

The Diagnostics area is a tool for Administrators to easily determine the current status of a Member.

Check a Member’s current status

Log into the BART Members WebApp

Navigate to the ‘Administration’ item in the main menu, then select ‘Members’ from the sub-menu


Select your Member from the list.

A popup dialogue box will appear with the ‘Profile’ tab open by default.


Click on the ‘Diagnostics’ button at the bottom of the dialogue box.


You’ll see a checklist of all key functions and permissions within the BART system, including:

  • Password Attempts - to check if the Members has temporarily locked themselves out of the app

  • Permission Level

  • Subscription - whether their BART Subscription is current and valid

  • User Status

  • User Type

  • Is Observer? - Observer accounts can only view Messages. They can't Attend, Comment, or be assigned to Appliances.

  • Is Muted? - In Discussions Messages

  • Has Default Email - Recorded within the app

  • Active Groups - Has one or more Groups Active

  • Is Available? - Has Member status currently ‘Available’

  • Send Discussions - Has permissions to Send Discussion Messages

  • Send Broadcasts - Has permissions to Send Broadcasts

  • Broadcast Tag View - Has permissions to View Broadcasts

  • Broadcast Tag Push - Has permissions enable Push Notifications

  • Broadcast Tag Send - Has permissions to Send Broadcasts

  • Mobile Devices - Has Accessed the app via a Smart Device

  • Push Notifications - Is Recieving Push Notifications

  • Group Filters - Has any Group Filters applied

  • Member Filters - Has any Member Filters applied


In the ‘Results’ column, you can see the status of each function and permission:

Green OK - Working Correctly

Orange Check - May need Review

Red Check - Could be limiting how the Member is able to use the app