BART Notifications on my Android are Delayed

BART Notifications on my Android are Delayed


I have an Android device and my BART notifications are delayed. 


If you’re using an Android device, and have been experiencing delays in your notifications, you may find the following information helpful.
We have seen promising results from installing this small application:


DontKillMyApp is a benchmark tool to see how well does your phone support background processing. You can measure before setting up your phone, then go through the setup guides and benchmark again to see how much has your phone been slacking in the background.


  • DKMA benchmark: Measure how aggressively is your phone killing background apps
  • Guides: Get actionable steps to overcome most background process restrictions
  • Make a change:️Help smartphones stay smart by sharing your benchmark report to dontkillmyapp.com

Download DontKillMyApp on Google Play


(100% Free. No banners. No ads.)

The ‘Push Notifications Fixer’ basically keeps the push connection on your phone alive, by avoiding the connection timeout that can occur on some wifi routers and mobile service carriers.

The recommended setting is for 5 minutes, where the app invokes an automated action on the Android device to re-establish the connection to the Google servers.

Once you have the app installed on your Android device, you can leave the settings ‘as is’ or adjust as required. Once set, you’ll need to tap on the ‘Apply Settings’ button for your changes to take place.

Watch: Resolving Smart Device Issues - First Steps

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