Send via Members Admin Portal

Send via Members Admin Portal

Press the ‘NEW’ button in the top banner



A drop-down will appear with 3 options:

  • New Broadcast

  • New Discussion

  • Set Availability



Select the ‘New Broadcast’ option

A modal dialogue box will appear


Select who you would like to send the broadcast to, which may include multiple Groups depending on your permissions. You can also filter the Broadcast to send to specific Members only.


Write your broadcast message within the text field provided

Choose a location (Optional)

Select the type of incident (Optional. You can have more than one type set)

Upload an attachment (Optional)

Add a reference (Optional)

Use the toggle button to choose whether or not your broadcast is an alert

Tick the ‘Create Another’ checkbox to keep the window open after you’ve sent out your broadcast

Press the green ‘SEND’ button

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