Add a new Document
Please Note: Documents can only be added to existing folders, so if you would like to add a document to a folder that doesn’t exist, please create a new one first.
BART Team App
Navigate to the 'Documents' item in the main menu by tapping the hamburger icon in the top-left hand corner of the screen
Either select an existing folder to add your document to, or create a new folder using the plus (+) icon in the top right hand side of the screen:
Tap on your new or existing folder - you will see a list of all documents (if any) are already in the folder
Tap on the plus (+) icon in the top right hand corner of the screen
Choose between 'Take Photo' or 'Upload Image'
When choosing an image from your smart device or taking a photo, you will be asked to give it a label
Please Note: The BART Team App only allows image document types to be added - other types can be added via the Members Web App
Members WebApp
Navigate to the ‘Documents’ item in the main menu
Press on the arrow icon next to the folder you would like to add the new document to
The contents of that folder will expand.
Press on the ‘Add Document’ button
A modal dialogue box will appear
Either drag and drop a document that you have on your computer, or click to open up your computer files
A preview of your file will appear (where applicable)
You can choose to give the document a label in the text field provided
Click on the ‘Start Upload’ button
Your document or image will now be available for your team